As soon as your order has been shipped, we will send an email with the tracking number for you to check the status of the shipment of your parcel.
Feel free to contact us on our Chat if you are not provided with the tracking number, or there is any discrepancy (or imminent delay in delivery) while tracking the delivery.
If you have created an account with us, the items will stay in your shopping bag whether you are logged in or logged out of your account. However, that will not reserve those items in your shopping bag for you. The products will be visible to all the other customers and can be purchased by anyone until you have placed your orders.
Please contact us if an item or a particular size you are interested in is showing to be “SOLD OUT” on the website. We will contact the respective brands and will ensure to make the item/ particular size available.
A customer with the Little Tags Luxury Account can also sign up to the ‘Waiting List’ for a product. To do so, kindly select the size of the required product and click on ‘Email me when back in stock’. When the product or size is restocked, we shall send an email to you. Please note that this option is not available for every product (kindly check the product page if your product is eligible for that option), and for items which are sold on sale or during promotional campaigns.
We follow the practise of sending email confirmations within 10 minutes of the placement of the order by you. If you don’t receive the same, kindly check your spam/ junk folder. In absence of any confirmation, kindly contact us .
Having an account with us gives you the benefit of viewing the status of your order, and any comments or emails we have communicated with you.
We also accept orders received on phone or whatsapp and do so, you can call us or drop us a message on Whatsapp at +91- 8447822222, and we will place the order for you.
We tend to ship the products to our customers very quickly. However, in case you have placed your order by mistake, we will do our best to assist you.
In order to enable us to process your request at the earliest, kindly contact us by Chat or phone. You can also email us at [email protected] (It might take a little longer to respond to your emails, hence, please contact us if you have not been able to get a response within 24 hours.
As mentioned, we tend to ship the products to our customers very quickly. Hence, if you have entered the wrong address while placing your order, please let us know immediately so that we can rectify the same. However, we would not be able to change the address if your order has already been dispatched.
In order to enable us to process your request at the earliest, kindly contact us by Chat or phone.You can also email us at [email protected] (It might take a little longer to respond to your emails, hence, please contact us if you have not been able to get a response within 24 hours.
Yes, we do offer gift cards. For more information please contact us on our Chat.
We guarantee that your payment and personal data will always be kept 100% confidential. All personal data is securely encrypted and protected with SSL (the industry standard for securing data on websites).
You can confirm SSL being used on our website by looking for the small padlock symbol on your webpage (check the bottom or top corners).
Additionally, our website address will show an additional "S" after http:// when SSL is enabled to indicate the protection of your data. We never see or store the details of your credit card on our website as all the payment cards are processed by our Bank, and not by LittleTags Luxury.
Unfortunately, No. LittleTags and LittleTags Luxury Outlet orders cannot be combined.